Monday, April 13, 2015

The Start of My Journey

My youngest is a Head Start kid. At the test for preschool he sat with his head on the table asking his lap when we could leave. He was deemed "uncooperative" and he was in. His preschool teacher was amazing. His kindergarten teacher told me she never would have guessed he was a head start kid. By 3rd grade, it seemed like all her hard work was unraveling. By 6th grade, he was the kid he was for that preschool test. Unfortunately, I didn't notice until 7th grade. Total mom fail. And here we are.

He's missed a lot of school because his asthma has gotten worse this year. He's been to an allergist and a pediatric lung doctor to get to the bottom of this weirdness. He's had asthma since he was 2 years old. It only bothered him when he had a cold. Starting in the 5th grade, that changed. Not sick but still couldn't breathe. It freaked him out. Freaked me out too. My kid can't breathe. We were hoping he would grow out of it but now it's worse. He even spent a night in the hospital a couple years ago.

Over Christmas break, I talked with him about homeschooling. I work full time but found a program he can do on his own with my help in the evenings. He thought it was a great idea. He was visibly relieved that this was his last year in public school. That made me cry. I felt like such an awful mom.

After spring break, we found out that he's been getting bullied. Originally, we thought it was just being picked on and teased because that is what he told us. Spring break he tells us that these kids are hitting and kicking him in gym class before the teachers are in there. Vice Principal took care of him and for that, I'm grateful but I'm not really feeling as though the teachers and administrators are really on my side. He's missed a lot of days and the teachers are frustrated. I get that. We're frustrated too. We only have two more months of school and we're both excited for them to end.

My son is bright, witty, smart, kind and caring. I'm hoping that my adventure into homeschooling will help my son go from surviving to thriving. Wish us luck!

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