Monday, July 10, 2017

Freshman year is... not done yet

  Yes, I realize it's July but I've had a lot going on outside of homeschooling. I'm going to leave it at that.

  The only subject he's not finished with is math. Teaching Textbooks hasn't worked out for us leaving me to wonder how I'm going to finish up math for him (hence, why it's July and he's still not finished).

  I'm confident I will come up with something though. In the meantime, I have to talk about my success with a writing assignment! I had him read The Catcher in the Rye and write a book report. Getting this kid to write a report is like pulling teeth. You would think I was asking him to saw off his right arm with a spoon with the way he reacts to the words "book report". It would be quite comical if it weren't so frustrating. Thankfully, no argument for this past request and the paper he wrote wasn't bad! 

  He will be done with math before the end of July. If I type it, so shall it be.

Borrowed Time

My oldest turned 18 during his senior year of high school and from that moment I felt like I was on borrowed time.

Did I teach him everything I wanted him to know?

Was it enough?

Did he listen when I was trying to teach him?

Was my message clear?

Will he be OK when out in the world?

Did I do a good job raising him?

Does he know how much I love him?

I cannot help but think that I am unbelievably blessed. My friends are texting and Snapchatting with their college freshmen and I get to see mine every day.

I still feel like I am on borrowed time. It hit me harder when he turned 19 last year; this year, he turns 20. Yikes.

I want to let go (and I think I've been doing a good job doing so) but I also want to hang on so tightly to him. I am pretty sure I did not teach everything I want him to know yet and what I have taught him wasn't enough. I am positive my message was not clear and even if it was, I do not believe he listened all the time. (Are you really hearing someone when you roll your eyes?) I pray I did a good job raising him and aside from telling him how much I love him, I hope I show him how much he means to me.