Sunday, August 18, 2019

Junior Year

Started in September of 2018 but whatever. I would never make money at blogging. I'm clearly not good at writing every day or even every month.

Junior year started out strong. We were both excited and ready to make it the best yet. Unfortunately, I got distracted and the distraction involved him to some extent (we got new flooring in the bedrooms and the loft and he uses both rooms) which resulted in us both losing our momentum. By Thanksgiving we had decided to put the school program into hiatus until January.

Dusted off the cobwebs in January only to have us not start out strong or have much motivation so put the school account on hiatus again so he could study for the GED; he just wants to be done. He is looking into the trades which is something I'm very proud of him for doing. He has also started writing a novel based on a D&D campaign he created. Yes, I typed that - he is writing a novel. The one who hates writing is writing. Willingly! Let's just take a moment to appreciate this...

I think I type this every time but this is the beauty of homeschooling - it can be whatever you want it to be.