Sunday, December 18, 2016

No Rest for the Weary

  As you know, we started our homeschooling year later than public school; after Labor Day, but that was to finish up some stuff from 8th grade. It was mid October before we started 9th grade. I did not schedule any breaks into the schedule this year and it runs through the end of June. I did this for a manageable schedule each day. If he saw pages of assignments for any of his classes, he would be overwhelmed.

  Recently, I told him if he wants a break, he can work ahead so he can take a few days and not get too far behind. He seemed OK with this request.

  I'm finding that I'm not OK with this request since it means that I, too, do not get a break. How did I miss that aspect?! No clue but I'm rolling with it. He seems to be doing well with the program and since I am doing my record keeping a bit differently this year, I have less busy work which is great!

  This is what I enjoy most about homeschooling - if something isn't working, I change it and we move on. Well, this is what I'm enjoying most this year. Last year was very stressful for both of us. This year, I have a new outlook and attitude. And, I have to say, thank goodness for my Passion Planner! I started using it in fall 2015 when I started homeschooling. 2017 will be my third year (2nd full year) and I'm so grateful for it.

  Regarding Math - I ordered a second-hand Teaching Textbook for Algebra I. He looked it over and likes the Painless Math better but we're going to go over it together to see what's what. We're going to start Algebra 1 with the Teaching Textbook in January.

  My new record keeping system - The program he uses is Time 4 Learning which checks off assignments on the calendar as he finishes them. Last year, I was printing it out a week at a time and checking what he did plus the date and writing down the grade he got. I did this mostly because I felt as though I needed to prove that I was doing something which is silly because of course I was! I helped him when he needed help, encouraged when he needed it, expressed my displeasure when I needed to, etc. In addition to all of this, I was also wasting a lot of time in the name of proving to anyone who questioned me that I was involved and engaged in my son's education. I thought by printing everything out, I was doing enough when really, I was doing enough by being there when he needed me.

  T4L has grading reports available so I'm no longer writing them on the printed calendar week of assignments. I'm no longer checking them off with a date either since again, it's all included in the grading report. I only print when the week is completed. The only thing I print out as he does them is his Odyssey Writer assignments. This is making it much easier on me and he can still go at his own pace. If there are gaps, I talk to him about them and we look to see where the disconnect is. It's working for us. I think we're both more relaxed this year.

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